Software Companies
Realgy has created a variety of databases and software which can be incorporated into existing applications for serving the energy or energy service markets.
What does your software generate or provide? (Check all that apply) Natural gas sales proposals
Value-added or bundled services sales proposal
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Sales force automation (SFA)
Energy trading and receipt tracking
E-commerce solutions
Cycle billing
Annualized billing audit
Best tariff rate analysis
Defined purchasing options for a customer's energy needs
Detailed burner-tip comparison
City gate prices
Do you want access to up-to-date tariff information?
What tariff information do you want? LDC rate models
Minimum service requirements for each tariff rate
Tariff documents in HTML supporting key words search
Authentication and verifications requirements
Mapping a customer to a sales and transportation rate based upon their usage history
Zip code service territory
Service options offered at the LDC tariff level; firming, balancing, telemetry
Initial service date
Minimum service requirements
Nominations and balancing requirements
LDC contact name, web site and company information
Please indicate which products/services that you would like to have additional information about? A software developer kit (SDK) for accessing the above listed tariff information?
An electronic library of natural gas LDC switching documents (notification form, information release, etc.)?
Database of compiled zip codes to LDC service territory mapping
A supplier pricing system with integrated tariff information
Tariff information library for electric LDCs (similar information as available for natural gas)
What programming languages do you use to access your information and present it to the users?
What databases do you use to access your tariff and pricing information?

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